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The following are links to organizations in our community that provide support to families and children:
Al-Anon & Alateen members share their experience, strength, and hope in coping with an intimate relationship that is affected by alcoholism. Visit the Al-Anon and Alateen website or email Al-Anon and Alateen to find meeting details in your local community or to make an inquiry. Anonymity is respected.
Bernadette McCann House for Women provides safety, support, shelter/transitional housing and education to women, children and those who experience abuse. A confidential 24-hour community help line is available at 613-732-3131.
Family and Children's Services - County of Renfrew protects and supports the development and well-being of children, youth and adults through integrated services, prevention and social inclusion. During day time hours, call 613-735-6866 and after hours at 1-800-267-5878.
Kids Help Phone - kids, teens and young adults, from any community in Canada, can call 1-800-668-6868 or go online 24 hours a day, 365 day a year to speak with a Kids Help Phone professional counsellor who provides anonymous, confidential and non-judgmental support.
Petawawa Family Military Resource Centre (PMFRC) is an incorporated, not-for-profit agency whose programs are designed to enhance the quality of life for military families. Assistance includes health and wellness information; community clubs; child care options; English language services; Community Access Card (CAC) discount in the area; and more. Contact PMFRC at 613-687-7587 ext. 3221 or 3222.
Renfrew County Child Poverty Action Network (CPAN) includes 450 individuals and 61 organizations throughout Renfrew County that offer practical assistance, advocacy, and education related to the elimination of child poverty. Call CPAN at 613-735-2374 ext. 250; toll free at 1-800-465-1870 ext. 250 or email CPAN. Fax: 613-735-2378.
CHEO First Words is a speech and language program to help children from birth to the beginning of their Senior Kindergarten year who have communication challenges (late talkers, or speech sound difficulties) or social, emotional or cognitive difficulties which affect their ability to communicate and learn. Services are provided at no charge to families. For more information, call CHEO First Words at 613-732-7007; toll free at 1-888-421-2222 or visit the CHEO First Words website.
The Phoenix Centre for Children and Families is a children's mental health treatment centre, funded by the provincial government, with full time therapists and child and youth counsellors who work with children, youth, and their families to improve their mental health and well-being. Email the Phoenix Centre or call them at 613-735-2374 or 1-800-465-1870 (toll free). Fax: 613-735-2378.